Foundations are funny things. My uncle is a engineer and a construction guy, so he runs around and takes pictures of foundations being built, especially when they are unique in some way. The rest of the family just rolls their eyes as he slows down the pick-up truck, gets out the camera, and snaps a shot of a hole in ground with some rebar, or perhaps a basement poured. I suspect very few of us are like my Uncle Steve though.
For the rest of us, it can be easy to ignore foundations. I am constantly annoyed watching House Hunters and seeing young people look at a house that is a perfectly good home with a good foundation and a nice floor plan because they don't like the paint, they want granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. All of the things they are looking at, generally, are cosmetic, and add very little real value to the home they are considering buying. Folks very easily get caught up in window dressing.
What is true of people buying houses on television can also be true of how people live their faith, and the attitudes they have about churches. It becomes easy for us to forget about our foundation, which is the truth of Jesus Christ. And thus we can easily get caught up in the cosmetic things of faith and life together. Things such as worship style, musical preference, favorite programs, and the like.
Furthermore, there are sometimes where things that happen in the name of Christ do not have Christ as their firm foundation. People attempt to build their own kingdom instead of God's kingdom. As well-intentioned or pleasant as what they are doing is, if it stands in opposition to Christ and the work of the gospel, it cannot stand.
Christ is our foundation.
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